Downloadables for the
computer, home or office! That's right, who doesn't need some
new wallpaper?
BOF Wallpaper #1
Ahhh, Robot Monster, such a about this on the ol'
computer to liven up that drab ol' desktop. Just download the
.zip file and extract into your windows folder and you are ready
to load it up.
640X480 BOF Wallpaper 1
800X600 BOF Wallpaper 1
1024X768 BOF Wallpaper 1
1152X864 BOF Wallpaper 1
BOF Wallpaper #2
This kicks off the BOF Wallpaper collector series.
What does that mean? Well we'll through up different wallpapers
every so often and retire others just to keep your computer happy
with new things sitting on the screen. You'll want to get them
all since some will have classic BOF featured movie clips, stuff
from the shows and other crazy original art.
640X480 BOF Wallpaper 2
800X600 BOF Wallpaper 2
1024X768 BOF Wallpaper 2
1152X864 BOF Wallpaper 2
BOF Flyer #1
Take at
look at what you can do! You ever wanted to be a Jr. Ad Exec?
Here is your chance. Download this file.
Print out hundreds of these. Run down to the hardware store and
buy some wallpaper paste ($3), a spray bottle ($.99), a cheap
paint roller and get to work promoting your favorite website.
Sound too hard? It's not, just spray the surface with the paste,
throw the flyer on, spray the flyer, and roll down. You, my friend,
have just created some "urban art." Fight the power
and shit. Hey, if you don't want to do that, how about when you
go out stapling poles to promote your next gig print up a bunch
of these and staple along with your band flyers...c'mon do something.
BOF Stickers
Stickers are kewl, right? BOF stickers are really
kewl, download this file and it
is a 8.5X11 sheet with 8 different stickers. That is Fuad Ramses
on the sample shown, you also get, Leatherface, Ric Flair, Ross
Hagen, Micheal Berryman, Bettie Page, The Rapist from Rape Squad,
and a frightened female. You can print the sheet on that AveryTM
sticker paper and make your own. If you are just nuts, you can
do what we do and head over to
and have 250 taaty vinyl stickers printed for just (gulp) $20.
So have fun and make sure and stick them everywhere.
Thanks to Rextuff
for the inspiration.